Monday, July 18, 2011

Lost My Drive

It's spring, school is almost out and I'm pondering what I will be doing when I get home for summer break. ROTC ended a couple of weeks ago and since then I haven't seen the inside of the REC center not to mention been inside. I don't have to run at this point so why should I? But when summer gets here I'm gonna work out everyday, I'm gonna get huge, wicked swollen. Run erryday, push ups every morning. Fast forward to summer. The first nice day I go to play basketball; jump, roll and sprain (Even a ten from the French judges). There goes all the running I'm going to do this summer. At least I can still do push ups right? Here's the classic morning/night thought "I should do pushups, nah I'd rather (insert any excuse you can think of here)." As the summer goes on I find that I'm more and more comfortable with my slacking. Let's think about this. I don't really care at this point. There's no one here that I'm trying to impress or care about. My family sure as hell doesn't care about what kind of physical shape I'm in. We're Italian we eat pasta on a daily basis; getting fat is just what we do. There are no girls here that I've seen enough times that I know are interested or I'm interested in. So enter the conundrum if you will: I want to get huge, ripped, and tone but on the other hand I could really care less. Working out alone is too much of a hassle and I'm not going to stop eating food. My fat kid would die. I guess all I can say is here's to losing another 10lbs when ROTC actually does start up again. At least I'm not as fat as last year! And I guess it's not all that bad. I mean could look like this:

I guess I'll save that for retirement. Note the big slice of cake. Yum.

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